Firmware .bin for esp32-wrover-kit


I own an esp-wrover-kit 4.1. But I don’t have access to a linux PC this weekend.
Could someone please send me a .bin file?

I will use esptool as in the example : --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash

From then on program the firmware starting at address 0x1000: --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-20190125-v1.10.bin

I look forward to using littlevGL with micropython

thank you very much


although the weekend has passed but it might be useful to have a MicroPython-LVGL bin file.
@amirgon, what do you think?

It would be a different bin file for ESP32/STM32/Linux.
In fact, today we even need different versions for ESP32 depending whether color mode is 32bit or 16bit.

We can consider creating a github action that generates these bin files every time a new LVGL version is published.
In fact, we already create the Linux version as part of the CI tests today, but that’s the easiest.

Creating the ESP32 version would be a little more difficult because we would need to install Xtensa toolchain and esp-idf, but probably still doable.
I don’t know about the STM32 version.

Also, I think it would be useful to automatically generate and deploy the online (javascript) version as well. It is not up to date last time I checked.
@embeddedt do you think it’s doable?

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I can take another look at it.

Should also be doable - MicroPython ships all dependencies besides the arm-none-eabi compiler, which I believe we can get from apt.

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excuse me I posted the same message twice here and in micropython.

The idea is to have firmware that can only be used for demo boards :

  • ESP32-WROVER-KIT 4.1
  • STM32F769DISCO
  • STM32F429DISCO

success is simplicity of use.
You are an expert but for me it’s very difficult to start for compiling the firmware.

I think it’s better to start : to discover then compiling the firmware.

Thank you for your support

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