ESP32-PICO-D4 ST7789 Watch

Finally after some month I run my little board
Check it out!

SPI overclocked to 40MHz


Nice done, thank you for share, I have run the ST7789’s spi at 90 Mhz and works just fine. I also have tried 120Mhz, but it have had some issues and artifacts.


Do you use DMA in flush_cb?

I use default settings. Just increase a buffer to 32Kb

As I see in lvgl_spi_driver_init

esp_err_t ret = spi_bus_initialize(host, &buscfg, dma_channel);

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Do you know the SPI frequency? I thought it should be a little bit faster on 240x240.

I tried 80MHz and it run faster. Kinda more smooth

I (50) disp_spi: Clock speed: 80000000Hz, mode: 2, CS pin: 5

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