Good evening, here’s the context: I’m working on a project with the ESP32-2432S028 board. I’m using PlatformIO with the Arduino framework. I started a project based on a template I found on GitHub. The display works correctly, but now I want to display images stored on the SD card that I’ll insert into the device. Honestly, I’m not sure how to do it. I tried using lv_img_set_src
and passing the path where the image is stored on the SD card (I should mention that I activated the decoder in lv_conf.h
and enabled BMP images), but I can’t get it to work. I understand that the lv_img_set_src
function expects parameters defining the image. I’ve used it with files generated from the LVGL online image converter, where I simply include the library in the project, and it works. However, now I want to load them from the SD card. Can someone help me?