I am setting up a project using the ESP32-S3, the ESP-IDF v5.3.1 LCD component and the LVGL as a managed component.
I went to the ESP Component Registry. Selected the LVGL/LVGL v9.2.2 and clicked Install. The LVGL became a managed component within my project. I am supposed not to touch or change a managed component.
The LVG documentation states that I shall create a lv_conf.h file using the lv_conf_template.h file as a starting point. The lv_conf.h file shall be stored next to the LVGL folder. In practice, what does that mean? It can’t be within the managed LVGL component, since I am supposed not to change that. But where then?
I placed it inside my main folder and gave cmake in the root CmakeLists.txt the compile option with it’s path:
add_compile_options(“-DLV_CONF_PATH= ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/main/lv_conf.h”)
Dear Kangfu,
Thanks for the hint