ERROR lv_bindings/driver/generic/modlvindev.c

Just for reference I am using a
WEMOS LOLIN D32 Pro V2.0.0 ESP32 wrover

I downloaded your repo, made the changes, flashed…
and this is what I got
How can my binary be different than yours?
Also why -dirty why not -lvgl or somthig

more info…



 (name='micropython', version=(1, 12, 0), mpy=10757)

Sigh. My git-fu is really not up to standard :cry: Basically, the tag that builds the version message (v1.12 vs v.1.9.4) did not go through. Go figure. As far as I can tell, the -dirty suffix comes from the fact that this is several commits since the last release. You get that also in official downloads.

Thank you you’ve been extremely helpful and informative.