Embedded devices running lv_binding_js(lvgljs)

Hello, lv_binding_js is a great feature. We are considering whether it can be run on esp32, which will greatly facilitate UI development.
I would like to ask:

  1. What devices has lv_binding_js been run on so far?
  2. What are the limitations or difficulties of porting lvgljs to embedded devices (such as esp32)? Is there a minimum performance or resource specification?


I can’t tell you what devices it has been run on, the Github page for the lvgl binding has no mention of embedded devices except for embedded Linux: lv_binding_js/doc/build/build-device.md at master · lvgl/lv_binding_js · GitHub

It would seem to me quite difficult to port something written in Javascript to the esp32. Why not just write it in C? LVGL uses many concepts from JS already.