Dynamic display of fonts


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What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

1.I have two font files, one containing “abc” and one containing “def”.
2.Use create_label() to create a label,now it only display “abc”
3.Use load_font(),it’s still just showing “abc”
4. What should I do to display “abcdef”

What have you tried so far?

I try to use lv_refr_now(lv_disp_t * disp) and _lv_inv_area(lv_disp_t * disp, const lv_area_t * area_p), but none of them worked

Code to reproduce

/*You code here*/

void create_label(lv_obj_t *parent)
	lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(parent);
	lv_label_set_text(label, "abcdef");
	lv_obj_set_style_text_font(label, &font_abc, 0);

void load_font()
	lv_font_t *f = &font_abc;
	f->fallback = (const lv_font_t *)&font_def;

Screenshot and/or video

If possible, add screenshots and/or videos about the current state.

as we know, one object has only one font type. if u want to display all two font types , it is necessary to creat two object.


Hello, it seems to me that the fallback font is only used when there are no symbols/glyphs for a character in a font. Say you have two fonts with the following glyphs:

Font 2: ABCDEFGHIJKL (fallback font!)

Now let’s say you want to set a label to say “HELLO”
it will recognize that font 1 does not have the H and L, so it uses the H and L from the fallback font.
Result would be: HELLO .

I’m not sure what you want to achieve with this code here, could you explain?
I think you need to load the font first, including the fallback, and then try to put text in a label.

When I set a label, the fallback for Font 1 is NULL. Maybe later, I’ll download Font 2 from the Internet, at which point I’ll set the Font1->fallback = Font 2.

At this point, how do we make the Font that is not in Font 1 appear without recreate the label?


What? Did you manage to figure anything out?

When I set a label, the fallback for Font 1 is NULL. Maybe later, I’ll download Font 2 from the Internet, at which point I’ll set the Font1->fallback = Font 2.

At this point, how do we make the Font that is not in Font 1 appear without recreate the label?

Can someone help me?


I am currently unable to test this out, but try the following:

Set the font:
lv_style_set_text_font(&my_style, &some_font); /*Set a different font*/
followed by

I am not sure about the style here, you might have to use some sort of default style or current style. Was unable to find anything on that.

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Thank u very much,it’s worked.

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Great to hear. Make sure to mark the correct answer as the solution so other people know where to look :grin: