In case anyone is interested, I got fedup with the poor sample code from Elecrow (CrowPanel ESP32 7.0-inch with PlatformIO - Elecrow Wiki) so I’ve created a simple starter project for LVGL with this board here just to get all the working library versions in one place.
Currently working with Squareline Studio, I’ll explore EEZ Studio too.
Thanks mate! I am a moderately capable googler and this stupid display had me stuffed. The different and conflicting information from elecrow made it worse.
Anyway I spent a few hours trying to get your stup working on an existing vscode and had lots of errors that were similar to the ones I had with elecrow code. I tried wiping my whole workspace and starting again to no effect. I just did a clean vscode and pio installation on my new windows laptop and it worked first try. Far out, what a relief to have a setup I can move forward with! I mean the touch screen doesn’t work on version 3.0 of the 7 inch panel but I am pretty sure it will be the pinout that needs adjusting for the touch interface.
I owe you a beer for sure, thanks again! I will update once I get the touch going.
So I am a bit stuck again, touch not working on V3.0 panel. EDIT: This is with the squareline code, though the eez code worked with the same lack of touch)
The schematic and sample programs (that don’t work) show it is now using a PCA9557 chip, but your code has GT911 setup for the touch interface.
Serial monitor:
[ 3484][E][Wire.cpp:159] begin(): Bus already started in Master Mode.
Data x 0
Data y 0
Data x 882
Data y 617
Data x 882
Data y 617
Data x 882
Data y 617
So there are numbers but they don’t change.
Do you think I need to update the touch GT911 pins in touch.h or is the PCA9557 a totally different deal? The sample code from elecrow doesn’t run, the function out doesn’t even exist?