Create a settings menu with widgets in a scrollable list


Hello, I’d like to build a simple menu with a slider for setting the screen brightness and a switch to enable or disable automatic brightness.

This menu should be completely browsable with an encoder and a button. I already made a simple version of this menu, but I’m not satisfied with its appearance. Right now, when I focus the switch or the slider by rotating the encoder, I can see a small outline that shows which one is selected. Since my project should be used on a vehicle, I would prefer something more visible. I don’t like very much the idea of enlarging the existing outline.

At the same time, I built a fake “main menu” with 30 buttons in a full-screen list, and by using a custom style, I can show which button is selected by changing its background color to a bright one.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

ESP-32 with ESP-IDF 4

What LVGL version are you using?

release/v7 branch

What do you want to achieve?

What I would like to achieve is a menu with the same appearance of a list, but also include an arbitrary widget (such as a switch) on the right side of the list item, which can be toggled (or focused for editing, when using a slider) by pressing a button, which I can already do.

In general, I would like a screen-wide scrollable menu, with N items. Inside each item there should a label on the left and an interactive widget on the right. It’s important for the entire line to be highlighted when it’s focused, and to slightly change its color to a brighter tone when entering edit mode (when using a slider).

What have you tried so far?

I tried to add a widget to the button returned from lv_list_add_btn and to align it inside of the button, but it doesn’t get aligned correctly.

Code to reproduce

My first solution (the working one, but hard to read):

  // Content
  lv_obj_t *view_content = lv_cont_create(NULL, NULL);
  lv_obj_add_style(view_content, LV_CONT_PART_MAIN, &tk_style_far_background);

  // Group (for encoder)
  group = lv_group_create();

  // Slider
  lv_obj_t *slider = lv_slider_create(view_content, NULL);
  lv_obj_align(slider, view_content, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
  lv_group_add_obj(group, slider);

  // Switch
  lv_obj_t *auto_switch = lv_switch_create(view_content, NULL);
  lv_obj_align(auto_switch, slider, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0);
  lv_group_add_obj(group, auto_switch);

  // Group
  lv_indev_set_group(encoder_indev, group);

Experiment with lists (wrong, but what in my mind I would like to achieve):

  // Content
  lv_obj_t *view_content = lv_cont_create(NULL, NULL);
  lv_obj_add_style(view_content, LV_CONT_PART_MAIN, &tk_style_far_background);

  // Group (for encoder)
  group = lv_group_create();

  // List
  lv_obj_t *list = lv_list_create(view_content, NULL);
  lv_group_add_obj(group, list);
  lv_indev_set_group(encoder_indev, group);

  // NOTE: This is the code I use to build the navigation menu that I like
  lv_obj_add_style(list, LV_LIST_PART_BG, &tk_style_menu_fullscreen);
  lv_obj_add_style(list, LV_LIST_PART_SCROLLABLE, &tk_style_menu_fullscreen);
  lv_obj_set_size(list, 480, 320 - (2 * 36));
  lv_obj_align(list, view_content, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
  lv_obj_add_style(list, LV_CONT_PART_MAIN, &tk_style_far_background);

  // Switch (auto_switch is declared at the beginning of the file, same for slider)
  lv_obj_t *auto_switch_button = lv_list_add_btn(list, NULL, "Automatic brightness");
  auto_switch = lv_switch_create(auto_switch_button, NULL);
  lv_obj_align(auto_switch, auto_switch_button, LV_ALIGN_IN_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0);

  // Slider
  lv_obj_t *slider_button = lv_list_add_btn(list, NULL, "Brightness");
  slider = lv_slider_create(slider_button, NULL);
  lv_obj_align(slider, slider_button, LV_ALIGN_IN_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0);

Screenshot and/or video

A picture of the navigation menu (with no widgets) I like:

A picture of the settings menu obtained from the first code example:

A picture of the failed try (second example):

A sketch of what I would like to have (view on bright background because it’s a transparent PNG):

I’m asking what would be the most reusable solution, since I’ll need to add many menus like these over time.

I hope I exposed my ideas clearly, I imagine this could be a strange design. If it is fundamentally wrong, I’ll gladly accept suggestions for building it in a different manner.


What about a top layer with an opacity? By turning the opacity up or down you would change the brightness. Darker colored pixels use less power but it wouldn’t be as energy efficient as changing the voltage to the display. Actually getting a decent energy savings depends on the display you are using supporting different screen brightness modes which you would have to look into the datasheet for.

I have an implementation of a settings menu based on a modified lv_settings code.

That’s what I was looking for! I’ll check the example you used, thanks! I’ll keep you updated.

Thanks for your answer, but my problem wasn’t in the brightness management implementation, it was about the menu layout. I control the screen brightness by changing the duty cycle of a PWM signal that drives the display’s backlight panel. This question is just about how to layout a menu for being used with an encoder.

I’ve uploaded this sample here.

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hi this owen project is very nice

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Thank you, I found that yesterday on your GitHub and I started to write a menu builder which is very similar to the one in lv_settings.

This is what I’m creating now, still a work in progress:

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