Create a project LV_COLOR_DEPTH 8 >> screen is blue

i am trying to switch to LV_COLOR_DEPTH 8 , but the screen is blue (unwanted)

mcu ESP32
framework : Arduino
IDE : platformio

everything is fine in 16 bits depth, but in 8 bits the screen draws blue ;
everithing is ok on the screeen, text, widgets …

my display cb

/* Display flushing */

void my_disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p)


  uint16_t c;

  tft.startWrite(); /* Start new TFT transaction */

  tft.setAddrWindow(area->x1, area->y1, (area->x2 - area->x1 + 1), (area->y2 - area->y1 + 1)); /* set the working window */

  for (int y = area->y1; y <= area->y2; y++) {

    for (int x = area->x1; x <= area->x2; x++) {

      c = color_p->full;

      tft.writeColor(c, 1);




  tft.endWrite(); /* terminate TFT transaction */

  lv_disp_flush_ready(disp); /* tell lvgl that flushing is done */

  // uint32_t w = (area->x2 - area->x1 + 1);

  //   uint32_t h = (area->y2 - area->y1 + 1);

  //   tft.startWrite();

  //   tft.setAddrWindow(area->x1, area->y1, w, h);

  //   tft.pushColors(&color_p->full , w * h,true );

  //   tft.endWrite();

  //   lv_disp_flush_ready(disp);


thanx in advance

What color format does tft.writeColor expect? It probably expects an RGB565 (16-bit) color and you’re now passing it an RGB332 (8-bit) one.

yes it might be something like that,
i ll check in etftspi,
many thanx