Config letter space in fonts


Converting with the new font converter cause some problem for me. the space and size of letters are changed and so my GUI is misaligned graphically.
Anyway, I’m trying to get to the previous alignment by changing the size and position of my objects.
One problem I have now is the spacing of letters. It was far more condensed before.
AFAIK the new font converter supports kerning. So it should be possible to set the letters space as you wish.
Am I right? How can I do this?

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

stm32f429, gcc

What do you want to achieve?

reducing the space of letters in my label.

What have you tried so far?

Code to reproduce

Screenshot and/or video

Here is a picture of what I want:

this is done by word and the font is swiss 721 black condensed bt.ttf and the spacing of 1 and 00 are different.

I think you have to customize the font itself (i.e. using FontForge).

(cc @puzrin)

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You can set style.text.letter_space to a negative value.


I think you have to customize the font itself (i.e. using FontForge).

Thanks, yeah. it helped me to make some changes in the font.

You can set style.text.letter_space to a negative value.

good point, thanks.

Is the new font converter stable -at least for ver 6 -? I want to know if it will be changed again.
I think the new font converter changed the quality of displayed font, didn’t it?

The font converter is not going to change significantly from the user’s point of view for all of the version 6 releases. The most you will have to do is reconvert your fonts.

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