Color depth 24 is deprecated

Just out of interest I would like to know why the support for 24 color depth was deprecated and there is no support for 18 bits?
I am using the ILI9486 with SPI and it needs 18 bits. I am using 16 and unpacking it at the moment into a separate DMA buffer in my flush so everything works ok, just a bit slow. (Don’t want to waste so much memory on 32).
It would have been easier to change a 24 bit implementation for this to 18 bit.

I am new to graphics and lvgl and not asking for a new feature or anything just the thinking behind it.
Are the displays I have so outdated that, that is the issue or is there something else that I am missing?


Actually a 24 bit color depth was never truly supported. Earlier it meant (X)RGB8888.

However, in v9 native rendering to RGB888 format will be supported.