Can't compile GUI for Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7 board


I am using eez_studio and eez_flow to create the GUI for a Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7 (inch) display. I am using the Arduino IDE 2.x to download the code to the board.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7
Arduino IDE 2.3.4

What do you want to achieve?

Download my GUI code to the board and have it run.

What have you tried so far?

I am having an issue compiling the GUI code with the hardware libraries. The GUI code compiles without errors on its own. The compiler error is:

/home/mark/Arduino/sketch_dec13a/images.h:4:10: fatal error: lvgl/lvgl.h: No such file or directory
    4 | #include <lvgl/lvgl.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

Compilation error: lvgl/lvgl.h: No such file or directory

In the ./libraries/lvgl/docs/get-started/ file in the section ## Add LVGL into your project there is the line

Include lvgl/lvgl.h in files where you need to use LVGL related functions.

However, it does not compile as shown above.

In the file ui.h, there was the line #include <lvgl/lvgl.h>, which also caused the same compiler error as above, but for the file ui.h. When I changed the line to #include <lvgl.h>, the compiler did not complain about that line.

eez-flow generated all the #include <lvgl/lvgl.h> entries in the GUI code.

So I am confused as how to proceed. Change all #include <lvgl/lvgl.h> to #include <lvgl.h>, contrary to the lvgl library instructions?

There is a lot of code. Not sure which ones to include. My project’s directory structure:

├── libraries
│   ├── EasyEspNow
│   ├── ESP32_Display_Panel
│   ├── ESP32_IO_Expander
│   ├── EspNowNetworkShared
│   ├── lv_conf.h
│   ├── lvgl
│   ├── QuickESPNow
│   └── Waveshare_ST7262_LVGL
└── sketch_dec13a
    ├── actions.h
    ├── eez-flow.cpp
    ├── eez-flow.h
    ├── fonts.h
    ├── images.c
    ├── images.h
    ├── logo-20_percent.bmp
    ├── logo-20_percent.png
    ├── logo-39_percent.bmp
    ├── logo-39_percent.png
    ├── logo-50_percent.bmp
    ├── logo-50_percent.png
    ├── logo.bmp
    ├── logo.png
    ├── screens.c
    ├── screens.h
    ├── sketch_dec13a.ino
    ├── structs.h
    ├── styles.c
    ├── styles.h
    ├── ui.c
    ├── ui.h
    ├── ui_image_rocket_logo.c
    ├── ui_image_rocket_logo_medium.c
    ├── ui_image_rocket_logo_small.c
    ├── ui_image_rocket_logo_tiny.c
    ├── ui_image_thar_she_goes.c
    └── vars.h

9 directories, 29 files