Can't build lvgl micropython for Raspberry Pi Pico W

I have been trying to figure out why this won’t build. I’ve just been following the steps listed here: GitHub - lvgl/lv_micropython: Micropython bindings to LVGL for Embedded devices, Unix and JavaScript under the section Raspberry Pi Pico port.
The steps are as follows:

  1. git clone
  2. cd lv_micropython
  3. git submodule update --init --recursive lib/lv_bindings
  4. make -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO submodules
  5. make -j -C mpy-cross
  6. make -j -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO USER_C_MODULES=../../lib/lv_bindings/bindings.cmake

When I try running step 4, I get an error.

<current_working_directory>make -C ports/rp2 submodules
make: Entering directory 'current_working_directory/ports/rp2'
# Run the standard submodules target with minimum required submodules above
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, # Run the standard submodules target with minimum required submodules above, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [Makefile:36: submodules] Error 2
make: Leaving directory 'current_working_directory/ports/rp2'

It says that the system cannot find the file specified, but I’m not sure what it needs. I just cloned all the files it should be looking for, right? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m a little new to this. Thanks

you are not running step 4.

This is step 4

make -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO submodules

not this

make -C ports/rp2 submodules

see the missing part?

Thanks, I don’t know how I missed that! I tried running the new command but it still outputs the exact same message.

Got to do a “make clean” in ports/rp2 directory or “make -C ports/rp2 clean” in lv_micropython directory before attempting a new build…

run this command

make -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO clean

and then try it again

make -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO submodules

I want to also make sure you are in the right folder when you run that. You need to be in the lv_micropython folder and not in lv_micropython/ports/rp2 If you are in the later then you can use this command

make BOARD=PICO submodules

I am trying to use LVGL with Pico in micropython. While building lvgl, I did the required executed the commands, but got an error in step 5

  1. git clone
  2. cd lv_micropython
  3. git submodule update --init --recursive lib/lv_bindings
  4. make -C ports/rp2 BOARD=PICO submodules
  5. make -j -C mpy-cross

the error looks like this.

     make: Entering directory 'C:/Users/xx/lv_micropython/mpy-cross'
     Use make V=1 or set BUILD_VERBOSE in your environment to increase build 
     process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname -s, ...) failed.
     Makefile:10: pipe: No error
     FIND: Parameter format not correct
     Access denied - ../LIB/LV_BINDINGS/LVGL/SRC
     Access denied - ../LIB/LV_BINDINGS/LVGL/EXAMPLES
     Access denied - ../LIB/LV_BINDINGS/DRIVER/GENERIC
     File not found - -TYPE
     File not found - F
     File not found - -NAME
     "LVGL-GEN build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c"
     The syntax of the command is incorrect.
     make: *** [../py/ build/lvgl/lv_mpy.c] Error 1
     make: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/xx/lv_micropython/mpy-cross'

can i get help on this?

Duplicate of Unable to build LVGL micropython for RP

I am using CMake. I am stuck at step 4 as the file CMakelist.txt is not available within the lv_micropython folder. I shall really appreciate any help as I’m new to this whole thing. My goal is to get a little LCD display to work with a raspberry pi pico.

sorry, but I have to ask a stupid question how to use 'make" with Cmake? as the ‘make’ command is not recognized.

I’ve solved this.step-4 & step-5 too, by using Linux to build but not getting past step 6.

Now I’ve successfully managed to port LVGL micropython for Pico. For the sake of newbies and everyone who needs this help… kindly follow the 6 steps after you have installed the pre-requisites below on a linux distro…

  1. Use any Linux distro preferably on WSL2 on windows. Don’t work from Windows cmd.
  2. Install the toolchain none-arm-eabi-gcc from [] use the stand-alone toolchain
  3. Install CMake use… apt-install cmake
  4. Install build-essential use… apt install build-essential
    only then was I able to make or build the firmware.elf file which will be in the ports/rpw/build-pico folder…

I’ll load this as the firmware into the Raspberry Pi Pico using R-pi boot-loader and then hopefully we’ve crossed the biggest hurdles.