AttributeError: 'module[lvgl]' object has no attribute 'task_create' : LVGL 8 KO , LVGL 7 OK (micropython)

Bonjour ,

self.task = lv.task_create(connect_task, 100, lv.TASK_PRIO.MID, None);

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 62, in
File “”, line 110, in init
File “”, line 26, in init
File “pages/”, line 120, in init
File “pages/”, line 253, in connect
File “pages/”, line 202, in connect_with_key
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘task_create

this code is OK in LVGL 7 and KO in LVGL 8

How to for workarround ?
Thanks for help

PS : LVGL 7 ==> 8 not easy … tutorial ?

OK : lv.task_create ==> lv.timer_create

for others

Thanks me

NB : how to ‘tag’ resolved !