Are there any sample projects with source code based on LittlevGL?

But I would set different coordinates to screen 1 and screen 2 which in the container, is that OK?

Like I said, they would not be “screens” in the LittlevGL sense, but just objects that have more objects inside them.

Only the root object is a screen. Because there must necessarily be something covering the full display, the root object’s coordinates should not be changed.

You would just be exploiting the fact that you can create full-screen-sized objects as children of the container at different positions. In fact, you don’t even need a true lv_cont, since you’re doing all the positioning manually. You could just create an lv_obj and create your full-screen-sized objects as children of it.

I got it, thank you very much.

The page manager I implemented should meet your needs.
GitHub: lv_lib_100ask/src/lv_100ask_page_manager at master · 100askTeam/lv_lib_100ask · GitHub