Arduino Due + GC9A01 LCD + LVGL Will pay for 1 on 1 guidance

I have an Arduino Due and a Waveshare GC9A01 LCD

I have successfully uploaded a demo project that uses the GUI_Paint.h library to draw some primitive shapes and text on the screen so I know the hardware is working and communicating with each other.

I am looking to pay someone for some 1 on 1 time to walk me through the setup of a known working sample project using the LVGL Arduino library using an Arduino Due to drive this LCD.

I have done Arduino projects before, but my experience is limited. Which is why I am looking for hands on guidance in a 1 on 1 setting and am willing to pay for the time.

Please let me know if you are interested

I can help, but if you used Atmel (Microchip) Studio and NOT the Arduino IDE

Avinash, first of all, thank you for replying.

I have never used the Atmel Studio before but I am willing to learn new things. Is that a free software I can install? Or would it require a purchase/license?

Go ahead and shoot me a message so we can exchange contact info

Atmel Studio is a Pro Grade IDE developed by Atmel for its clients its based on Visual Studio by Microsoft. It is a rich IDE designed for professional development unlike Arduino IDE which is very simple and is designed for non programmers or early learners.

Atmel Studio is 100% by Atmel for its client. All microcontroller vendors do give such free IDEs to ease the life of developers and gain more customers.