Standalone binary .mpy module for lvgl (so we can "just use it" in micropython)

In LVGL v9 we will have drivers right in the LVGL repository. We could get started with it later then I anticipated, however we are already working on the first display controller drivers.

They will have an interface like lv_ili9341_create(320, 240, send_command_cb, send_colors_cb);

So these driver are platform independent the callbacks will be the bridge between the display controllers and the MCU. If we enable all display controllers when we compile LVGL (we will have ~10 in the end) and provide some examples for ESP, STM, etc, I think it will be easy enough to get started with.

Something like:

#Init your SPI
my_spi_init(mosi_pin, clk_pin, cs_pin, clock_speed)

def send_command(disp, cmd, cmd_lend, data, data_len):
   #send the command+data via SPI

def send_colors(disp, area, px_buf):
   #send the colors via SPI

disp = lv.ili9341(320, 240, send_command, send_colors)


disp = lv.st7789(320, 240, send_command, send_colors)

What do you think?