Screen freezes using lvgl v8.0

[Trace] (0.000, +0) lv_timer_handler: begin (in lv_timer.c line #68)
[Trace] (0.000, +0) lv_timer_handler: finished (30 ms until the next timer call) (in lv_timer.c line #132)

It keeps printing this continuously.

Okay but where it stops. IS there a hardfault, MCU restarts, LVGL asseerts, or everything is running?

BTW, do you call lv_tick_inc(x)?

Everything is running. No, I didn’t call lv_tick_inc(x).

Than it should be the issue.

See how it’s called here: lv_port_esp32/main.c at master · lvgl/lv_port_esp32 · GitHub

Thanks @kisvegabor and @embeddedt

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