Running on cortex MO

would your library work our Hardware IOT system: CortexM0, 84MIPS, 32Mb Flash, BTLE input (data + input commands) delivering 33kbps payload ? This is to drive a monochrome 304x255 pixel display.
Also, would you have options to wrap the graphic commands into a BTLE link ?


Unfortunately, 32 MB flash is not enough. See the Requirements.

Ignore this comment. Somehow I misread 32Mb to 32KB.
See this comment for further clarification.

I’m not entirely sure what the unit Mb is supposed to be, but I’ll guess it’s one of these three :wink: .

  • 32 kilobytes: not enough flash.
  • 32 megabits: 4 megabytes of flash, more than enough.
  • 32 megabytes: same as above.

@embeddedt @Marc
Oh, sorry, I was also confused by the unit and somehow “converted” it to KBs. :sweat: