Running an app with two modes (reboot in between) with different LV_MEM_SIZE
What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?
ESP32-S3 WROOM 1N8, Custom designed board
What LVGL version are you using?
What do you want to achieve?
I have an app that have two modes (with reboot in between) that have very different memory usage: (checked with lv_mem_monitor)
Mode 1: Used: 24726 bytes
Mode 2: Used: 14048 bytes
I’m using the default LV_MEM_SIZE = 32U * 1024U. How do I reduce the LV_MEM_SIZE to 16U * 1024U when I reboot into Mode 2 ? So I can use the memory for other functions ?
What have you tried so far?
Using lv_mem_alloc(), lv_mem_realloc(),
But the memory usage stays the same
Code to reproduce
void lv_mem_alloc(size_t size);
void lv_mem_realloc(size_t size);
void lvgl_mem_monitor()
lv_mem_monitor_t mem_mon;
log_i("Total: %d bytes\n", mem_mon.total_size);
log_i("Used: %d bytes\n", mem_mon.total_size - mem_mon.free_size);
log_i("Free: %d bytes\n", mem_mon.free_size);
log_i("Fragmentation: %d %%\n", mem_mon.frag_pct);
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If possible, add screenshots and/or videos about the current state.