RP2 Pico: 'module' object has no attribute 'disp_drv_t'

OK I will have to do some work with it to make it work with LVGL v9.0. That is not a font, It is rendered real time. In LVGL v9.0 the canvas widget (which is what is being used for the rendering) has changed, I need to update the code to work with that. It is written for MicroPython which is something I know you are using.

For some reason I think there was a modification in the canvas widget that is going to make it challenging to render. I believe the ability to render polygons has been removed… BOOOOOO!!!.. This was done in favor of using ThorVG but the problem is ThorVG is not going to run on MicroPython to the point of exposing the API to be able to render. This is because ThorVG is written in C++ and the binding build code is not able to programmatically read the code to write the C code needed to expose the ThorVG API.

I am using polygons (triangles) for the ends of the segments. Now I am going to need to use triangle math to calculate the number of lines that will be needed to do the fill. Not too big of a deal, just more work to make it run with LVGL V9.


Thanks in advance for your help. I’ve read the other discussions and I understand that we’ll have a stub file for pycharm and an LVGL that’s easy to integrate into micropython.

Thanks again for your work and for sharing your experience with us.