QR Code object, Feature request

Hello, when i want to show QR Code in screen with LittlevGL. I use QRCode for generate black and white bit of qrcode image and then i use Canvas to draw real QR Code on screen (use lv_canvas_draw_rect()). when i needs to resize QR Code, i set width and hight of lv_canvas_draw_rect(). it not perfect but it work, my screen show QR Code.

I think if you implement QR Code object to LittlevGL, you will do better than me. eg. memory manager, can add logo in center of QR Code, change size with lv_obj_size() , change color with style and easy to use.

so Are you have plan of implement QR Code object to LittlevGL ?

Thank you very much.

It’s not on the roadmap right now, but pull requests are welcome.

I’ve already used QR code with LittlevGL using an external library and the canvas object.
I’m planning to write a tutorial about a little bit later.