Main menu image is not refreshed


Main menu image is not refreshed

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

STM32F4 Disc

What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

When you click on the apply button, exit to the main menu

What have you tried so far?

void Main_menu(void)
static lv_point_t line_points[] = { {310, 30}, {10, 30} };
static lv_style_t style_line;

fill_main_lcd = lv_scr_act();
line1 = lv_line_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);

lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_color(fill_main_lcd, LV_OBJ_PART_MAIN, 0, LV_COLOR_BLUE);

lv_style_set_line_width(&style_line, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 2);
lv_style_set_line_color(&style_line, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_COLOR_WHITE);
lv_style_set_line_rounded(&style_line, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, true);
lv_line_set_points(line1, line_points, 2);
lv_obj_add_style(line1, LV_LINE_PART_MAIN, &style_line);


At startup it looks like this

static void event_handler_set_time(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_event_t event)
if(event == LV_EVENT_CLICKED) {
RTC_SetTime(RTC_Format_BIN, &RTC_DateTime);

Does not completely redraw. What am I doing wrong?

Code to reproduce

Add a code snippet which can run in the simulator. It should contain only the relevant code that compiles without errors when separated from your main code base.

The code block(s) should be formatted like:

/*You code here*/

Screenshot and/or video

If possible, add screenshots and/or videos about the current state.

This usually means that either your CPU cache is not being invalidated or there is some subtle bug in your display driver (perhaps an off-by-one error with the last row). Since STM32F4 does not have a CPU cache (to the best of my knowledge), I would guess it’s the latter.

When I call this code
fill_main_lcd = lv_scr_act();
line1 = lv_line_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_color(fill_main_lcd, LV_OBJ_PART_MAIN, 0, LV_COLOR_BLUE);
Does it mean that the screen should immediately fill with the specified color?