How to align tileview widget with different theme

I use visual studio built my project and with PC as simulate monitor.

When I use diferent theme in my project,I fond the tileview widget can’t align left screen

I want to cry use the liitlevgl come across unexpected problems

my code as follow

void task(void)
	hres = lv_disp_get_hor_res(NULL);
	vres = lv_disp_get_ver_res(NULL);

	/*Initial the display theme*/
	//lv_theme_t * th= lv_theme_mono_init(210, NULL); 
	//th->>body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
	//th->>body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;

	lv_theme_t* th = lv_theme_alien_init(10, NULL);
	th->>body.main_color = lv_color_make(0, 0, 0);
	th->>body.grad_color = lv_color_make(0, 0, 0);
different them
void task(void)
	hres = lv_disp_get_hor_res(NULL);
	vres = lv_disp_get_ver_res(NULL);

	/*Initial the display theme*/
	lv_theme_t * th= lv_theme_mono_init(210, NULL); //This lv_theme_mono_init(210, NULL)
	th->>body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;//If delete this set the animation can't create
	th->>body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;

	//lv_theme_t* th = lv_theme_alien_init(10, NULL);
	//th->>body.main_color = lv_color_make(0, 0, 0);
	//th->>body.grad_color = lv_color_make(0, 0, 0);
void MainmenuCreate(void)
    lv_coord_t hres = lv_disp_get_hor_res(NULL);
    lv_coord_t vres = lv_disp_get_ver_res(NULL);

    static const lv_point_t validPos[] = {
        { 0, 0 },
        { 0, 1 },
        { 0, 2 },
        { 0, 3 },
        { 0, 4 },
        { 0, 5 },
        { 0, 6 },
        { 0, 7 },
        { 0, 8 },
        { 0, 9 },
        { 0, 10 }
    tileview = lv_tileview_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_tileview_set_valid_positions(tileview, validPos, sizeof(validPos) / sizeof(validPos[0]));
    lv_obj_set_size(tileview, hres, vres);
    lv_page_set_sb_mode(tileview, LV_SB_MODE_OFF);

    lv_obj_t *firstTile = lv_obj_create(tileview, NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(firstTile, hres, vres);
    lv_obj_set_click(firstTile, true);
    lv_obj_set_event_cb(firstTile, TileEventHandler);
    lv_tileview_add_element(tileview, firstTile);
    tilesDsc[TILE_FIRST].handle = firstTile;

    for (uint16_t i = TILE_TIME; i <= TILE_LAST; ++i) {
        lv_obj_t *tile = lv_obj_create(tileview, firstTile);
        lv_obj_set_pos(tile, 0, i * vres);
        lv_tileview_add_element(tileview, tile);
        TileDsc *dsc = &tilesDsc[i];
        dsc->handle = tile;
        if (dsc->setup != NULL) {

    lv_obj_set_event_cb(tileview, TileviewEventHandler);
    lv_tileview_set_tile_act(tileview, 0, 1, true);

I don’t know why the same function in different them can’t align left.

Add the tileview init function frome the them of alien.I try it and it can work