Esp32 use with LVGL library...need a little example

Now connection is made with WIFI label, and, if connected, appear this screen:


With next press on WIFI label you can disconnect.
At start the scan of networks is made only if not are preferences saved on SPIFFS, and from preferences is load default SSID and Password.
If want delete file Pref.txt you can use serial (command 4 /Pref.txt) or a long press on Pref label…in this mode you can reboot and perform scan of network and rewrite default SSID and Passw.
I have lost time with SSID and Passw string (also converted in C_str()) that cause connection not work.
So i convert em in chars and connection work:
char ssid_char[50]; char wifipw_char[50];
ssid.toCharArray(ssid_char, ssid.length()); wifipw.toCharArray(wifipw_char, wifipw.length());
//WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), wifipw.c_str());
WiFi.begin(ssid_char, wifipw_char);

Now i work on client transmit/receive data …next step (203.6 KB)