Backgroud colour

Applying style to an object is working fine ,Thanks for your reply.
But i want the background theme to be changed to different color ,but still getting the same black background.
Below line has no effect.

th = lv_theme_mono_init(210, &lv_font_roboto_22);

Any suggestions on this .


You need to set the style on lv_scr_act().

I am doing the following steps to get the blue background.But unable to get this.What should i do for it .Kindly help me out .
static lv_style_t style;
style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;

lv_obj_t * scr = lv_scr_act();
lv_obj_set_style(src, &style);


You need to copy an existing style into style first. Try this (untested, but it should work):

static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_scr);
style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;

lv_obj_t * scr = lv_scr_act();
lv_obj_set_style(scr, &style);

I am not getting the desired background color after doing these steps.Its becoming completly white.

Can you suggest anything .

Can I see the exact code you’re using? I assume there isn’t any other object on top of the screen?

void lcd_def_icons(void)
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_scr);
style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;
style.text.color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style.text.font = &lv_font_roboto_22;

    lv_obj_t * scr = lv_scr_act();
    lv_obj_set_style(scr, &style);

int main()
lcd_def_icons() ;

After this i have create icons using "lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); api.but not getting exact color of image on screen.
Also the color of the right bottom battery is red but showing in different color, i am not able to display the actual color of the image.

It looks like your display driver is not sending the correct color. Check that LV_COLOR_DEPTH and the actual color depth of your display match.

By the way, I forgot to mention this in my last post, but if you want a solid background, you’ll also want to set grad_color to the same value as main_color.

here is my configuration file .

 * @file lv_conf.h

 * COPY THIS FILE AS `lv_conf.h` NEXT TO the `lvgl` FOLDER

#if 1 /*Set it to "1" to enable content*/

#ifndef LV_CONF_H
#define LV_CONF_H
/* clang-format off */

#include <stdint.h>

   Graphical settings

/* Maximal horizontal and vertical resolution to support by the library.*/
#define LV_HOR_RES_MAX          (240)
#define LV_VER_RES_MAX          (320)

/* Color depth:
 * - 1:  1 byte per pixel
 * - 8:  RGB233
 * - 16: RGB565
 * - 32: ARGB8888
#define LV_COLOR_DEPTH     16

/* Swap the 2 bytes of RGB565 color.
 * Useful if the display has a 8 bit interface (e.g. SPI)*/
#define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP   0

/* 1: Enable screen transparency.
 * Useful for OSD or other overlapping GUIs.
 * Requires `LV_COLOR_DEPTH = 32` colors and the screen's style should be modified: `style.body.opa = ...`*/

/*Images pixels with this color will not be drawn (with chroma keying)*/
#define LV_COLOR_TRANSP    LV_COLOR_LIME         /*LV_COLOR_LIME: pure green*/

/* Enable chroma keying for indexed images. */
#define LV_INDEXED_CHROMA    1

/* Enable anti-aliasing (lines, and radiuses will be smoothed) */
#define LV_ANTIALIAS        1

/* Default display refresh period.
 * Can be changed in the display driver (`lv_disp_drv_t`).*/
#define LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD      30      /*[ms]*/

/* Dot Per Inch: used to initialize default sizes.
 * E.g. a button with width = LV_DPI / 2 -> half inch wide
 * (Not so important, you can adjust it to modify default sizes and spaces)*/
#define LV_DPI              100     /*[px]*/

/* Type of coordinates. Should be `int16_t` (or `int32_t` for extreme cases) */
typedef int16_t lv_coord_t;

   Memory manager settings

/* LittelvGL's internal memory manager's settings.
 * The graphical objects and other related data are stored here. */

/* 1: use custom malloc/free, 0: use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc` and `lv_mem_free` */
#define LV_MEM_CUSTOM      0
#if LV_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
/* Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in bytes (>= 2kB)*/
#  define LV_MEM_SIZE    (32U * 1024U)

/* Complier prefix for a big array declaration */
#  define LV_MEM_ATTR

/* Set an address for the memory pool instead of allocating it as an array.
 * Can be in external SRAM too. */
#  define LV_MEM_ADR          0

/* Automatically defrag. on free. Defrag. means joining the adjacent free cells. */
#  define LV_MEM_AUTO_DEFRAG  1
#else       /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_INCLUDE <stdlib.h>   /*Header for the dynamic memory function*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_ALLOC   malloc       /*Wrapper to malloc*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_FREE    free         /*Wrapper to free*/
#endif     /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*/

/* Garbage Collector settings
 * Used if lvgl is binded to higher level language and the memory is managed by that language */
#define LV_ENABLE_GC 0
#if LV_ENABLE_GC != 0
#  define LV_GC_INCLUDE "gc.h"                           /*Include Garbage Collector related things*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_REALLOC   your_realloc           /*Wrapper to realloc*/
#  define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_GET_SIZE  your_mem_get_size      /*Wrapper to lv_mem_get_size*/
#endif /* LV_ENABLE_GC */

   Input device settings

/* Input device default settings.
 * Can be changed in the Input device driver (`lv_indev_drv_t`)*/

/* Input device read period in milliseconds */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_READ_PERIOD          30

/* Drag threshold in pixels */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_DRAG_LIMIT           10

/* Drag throw slow-down in [%]. Greater value -> faster slow-down */
#define LV_INDEV_DEF_DRAG_THROW           20

/* Long press time in milliseconds.
 * Time to send `LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSSED`) */

/* Repeated trigger period in long press [ms]

 * Feature usage

/*1: Enable the Animations */
#define LV_USE_ANIMATION        1

/*Declare the type of the user data of animations (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_anim_user_data_t;


/* 1: Enable shadow drawing*/
#define LV_USE_SHADOW           1

/* 1: Enable object groups (for keyboard/encoder navigation) */
#define LV_USE_GROUP            1
typedef void * lv_group_user_data_t;
#endif  /*LV_USE_GROUP*/

/* 1: Enable GPU interface*/
#define LV_USE_GPU              1

/* 1: Enable file system (might be required for images */
#define LV_USE_FILESYSTEM       1
/*Declare the type of the user data of file system drivers (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_fs_drv_user_data_t;

/*1: Add a `user_data` to drivers and objects*/
#define LV_USE_USER_DATA        0

 * Image decoder and cache

/* 1: Enable indexed (palette) images */
#define LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED       1

/* 1: Enable alpha indexed images */
#define LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA         1

/* Default image cache size. Image caching keeps the images opened.
 * If only the built-in image formats are used there is no real advantage of caching.
 * (I.e. no new image decoder is added)
 * With complex image decoders (e.g. PNG or JPG) caching can save the continuous open/decode of images.
 * However the opened images might consume additional RAM.
 * LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE must be >= 1 */
#define LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE       1

/*Declare the type of the user data of image decoder (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_img_decoder_user_data_t;

 *  Compiler settings
/* Define a custom attribute to `lv_tick_inc` function */

/* Define a custom attribute to `lv_task_handler` function */

/* With size optimization (-Os) the compiler might not align data to
 * 4 or 8 byte boundary. This alignment will be explicitly applied where needed.
 * E.g. __attribute__((aligned(4))) */

/* Attribute to mark large constant arrays for example
 * font's bitmaps */

/* Export integer constant to binding.
 * This macro is used with constants in the form of LV_<CONST> that
 * should also appear on lvgl binding API such as Micropython
 * The default value just prevents a GCC warning.
#define LV_EXPORT_CONST_INT(int_value) struct _silence_gcc_warning

 *  HAL settings

/* 1: use a custom tick source.
 * It removes the need to manually update the tick with `lv_tick_inc`) */
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM     0
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE  "something.h"       /*Header for the sys time function*/
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_SYS_TIME_EXPR (millis())     /*Expression evaluating to current systime in ms*/
#endif   /*LV_TICK_CUSTOM*/

typedef void * lv_disp_drv_user_data_t;             /*Type of user data in the display driver*/
typedef void * lv_indev_drv_user_data_t;            /*Type of user data in the input device driver*/

 * Log settings

/*1: Enable the log module*/
#define LV_USE_LOG      0
/* How important log should be added:
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE       A lot of logs to give detailed information
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO        Log important events
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN        Log if something unwanted happened but didn't cause a problem
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR       Only critical issue, when the system may fail
 * LV_LOG_LEVEL_NONE        Do not log anything

/* 1: Print the log with 'printf';
 * 0: user need to register a callback with `lv_log_register_print_cb`*/
#  define LV_LOG_PRINTF   0
#endif  /*LV_USE_LOG*/

 * Debug settings

/* If Debug is enabled LittelvGL validates the parameters of the functions.
 * If an invalid parameter is found an error log message is printed and
 * the MCU halts at the error. (`LV_USE_LOG` should be enabled)
 * If you are debugging the MCU you can pause
 * the debugger to see exactly where  the issue is.
 * The behavior of asserts can be overwritten by redefining them here.
 * E.g. #define LV_ASSERT_MEM(p)  <my_assert_code>
#define LV_USE_DEBUG        1

/*Check if the parameter is NULL. (Quite fast) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL      1

/*Checks is the memory is successfully allocated or no. (Quite fast)*/
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_MEM       1

/* Check the strings.
 * Search for NULL, very long strings, invalid characters, and unnatural repetitions. (Slow)
 * If disabled `LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL` will be performed instead (if it's enabled) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_STR       0

/* Check NULL, the object's type and existence (e.g. not deleted). (Quite slow)
 * If disabled `LV_USE_ASSERT_NULL` will be performed instead (if it's enabled) */
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_OBJ       0

/*Check if the styles are properly initialized. (Fast)*/
#define LV_USE_ASSERT_STYLE     1

#endif /*LV_USE_DEBUG*/

#define LV_THEME_LIVE_UPDATE    1   /*1: Allow theme switching at run time. Uses 8..10 kB of RAM*/

#define LV_USE_THEME_TEMPL      1   /*Just for test*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_DEFAULT    1   /*Built mainly from the built-in styles. Consumes very few RAM*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_ALIEN      1   /*Dark futuristic theme*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_NIGHT      1   /*Dark elegant theme*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_MONO       1   /*Mono color theme for monochrome displays*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_MATERIAL   1   /*Flat theme with bold colors and light shadows*/
#define LV_USE_THEME_ZEN        1   /*Peaceful, mainly light theme */
#define LV_USE_THEME_NEMO       1   /*Water-like theme based on the movie "Finding Nemo"*/


/* The built-in fonts contains the ASCII range and some Symbols with  4 bit-per-pixel.
 * The symbols are available via `LV_SYMBOL_...` defines
 * More info about fonts:
 * To create a new font go to:

/* Robot fonts with bpp = 4
 *  */
#define LV_FONT_ROBOTO_12    1
#define LV_FONT_ROBOTO_16    1
#define LV_FONT_ROBOTO_22    1
#define LV_FONT_ROBOTO_28    1

/* Demonstrate special features */
#define LV_FONT_ROBOTO_28_COMPRESSED 1  /*bpp = 3*/

/*Pixel perfect monospace font
 * */
#define LV_FONT_UNSCII_8     0

/* Optionally declare your custom fonts here.
 * You can use these fonts as default font too
 * and they will be available globally. E.g.
 *                                LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_2)

/*Always set a default font from the built-in fonts*/
#define LV_FONT_DEFAULT        &lv_font_roboto_22

/* Enable it if you have fonts with a lot of characters.
 * The limit depends on the font size, font face and bpp
 * but with > 10,000 characters if you see issues probably you need to enable it.*/

/* Set the pixel order of the display.
 * Important only if "subpx fonts" are used.
 * With "normal" font it doesn't matter.
#define LV_FONT_SUBPX_BGR    0

/*Declare the type of the user data of fonts (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_font_user_data_t;

 *  Text settings

/* Select a character encoding for strings.
 * Your IDE or editor should have the same character encoding
 * */

 /*Can break (wrap) texts on these chars*/
#define LV_TXT_BREAK_CHARS                  " ,.;:-_"

/* If a word is at least this long, will break wherever "prettiest"
 * To disable, set to a value <= 0 */
#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN          12

/* Minimum number of characters in a long word to put on a line before a break.
 * Depends on LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN. */

/* Minimum number of characters in a long word to put on a line after a break.
 * Depends on LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN. */

/* The control character to use for signalling text recoloring. */
#define LV_TXT_COLOR_CMD "#"

/* Support bidirectional texts.
 * Allows mixing Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left texts.
 * The direction will be processed according to the Unicode Bidirectioanl Algorithm:
#define LV_USE_BIDI     0
/* Set the default direction. Supported values:
 * `LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR` Left-to-Right
 * `LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL` Right-to-Left
 * `LV_BIDI_DIR_AUTO` detect texts base direction */

/*Change the built in (v)snprintf functions*/
#  define LV_SPRINTF_INCLUDE <stdio.h>
#  define lv_snprintf     snprintf
#  define lv_vsnprintf    vsnprintf


/*Declare the type of the user data of object (can be e.g. `void *`, `int`, `struct`)*/
typedef void * lv_obj_user_data_t;

/*1: enable `lv_obj_realaign()` based on `lv_obj_align()` parameters*/
#define LV_USE_OBJ_REALIGN          1

/* Enable to make the object clickable on a larger area.
 * LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_OFF or 0: Disable this feature
 * LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_TINY: The extra area can be adjusted horizontally and vertically (0..255 px)
 * LV_EXT_CLICK_AREA_FULL: The extra area can be adjusted in all 4 directions (-32k..+32k px)

 * Documentation of the object types:

/*Arc (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_ARC      1

/*Bar (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_BAR      1

/*Button (dependencies: lv_cont*/
#define LV_USE_BTN      1
#if LV_USE_BTN != 0
/*Enable button-state animations - draw a circle on click (dependencies: LV_USE_ANIMATION)*/
#  define LV_BTN_INK_EFFECT   0

/*Button matrix (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_BTNM     1

/*Calendar (dependencies: -)*/

/*Canvas (dependencies: lv_img)*/
#define LV_USE_CANVAS   1

/*Check box (dependencies: lv_btn, lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_CB       1

/*Chart (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_CHART    1

/*Container (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_CONT     1

/*Color picker (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_CPICKER   1

/*Drop down list (dependencies: lv_page, lv_label, lv_symbol_def.h)*/
#define LV_USE_DDLIST    1
#if LV_USE_DDLIST != 0
/*Open and close default animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_DDLIST_DEF_ANIM_TIME     200

/*Gauge (dependencies:lv_bar, lv_lmeter)*/
#define LV_USE_GAUGE    1

/*Image (dependencies: lv_label*/
#define LV_USE_IMG      1

/*Image Button (dependencies: lv_btn*/
#define LV_USE_IMGBTN   1
/*1: The imgbtn requires left, mid and right parts and the width can be set freely*/
#  define LV_IMGBTN_TILED 0

/*Keyboard (dependencies: lv_btnm)*/
#define LV_USE_KB       1

/*Label (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_LABEL    1
#if LV_USE_LABEL != 0
/*Hor, or ver. scroll speed [px/sec] in 'LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL/ROLL_CIRC' mode*/
#  define LV_LABEL_DEF_SCROLL_SPEED       25

/* Waiting period at beginning/end of animation cycle */
#  define LV_LABEL_WAIT_CHAR_COUNT        3

/*Enable selecting text of the label */
#  define LV_LABEL_TEXT_SEL               0

/*Store extra some info in labels (12 bytes) to speed up drawing of very long texts*/
#  define LV_LABEL_LONG_TXT_HINT          0

/*LED (dependencies: -)*/
#define LV_USE_LED      1

/*Line (dependencies: -*/
#define LV_USE_LINE     1

/*List (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btn, lv_label, (lv_img optionally for icons ))*/
#define LV_USE_LIST     1
#if LV_USE_LIST != 0
/*Default animation time of focusing to a list element [ms] (0: no animation)  */
#  define LV_LIST_DEF_ANIM_TIME  100

/*Line meter (dependencies: *;)*/
#define LV_USE_LMETER   1

/*Message box (dependencies: lv_rect, lv_btnm, lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_MBOX     1

/*Page (dependencies: lv_cont)*/
#define LV_USE_PAGE     1
#if LV_USE_PAGE != 0
/*Focus default animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_PAGE_DEF_ANIM_TIME     400

/*Preload (dependencies: lv_arc, lv_anim)*/
#define LV_USE_PRELOAD      1
#  define LV_PRELOAD_DEF_ARC_LENGTH   60      /*[deg]*/
#  define LV_PRELOAD_DEF_SPIN_TIME    1000    /*[ms]*/

/*Roller (dependencies: lv_ddlist)*/
#define LV_USE_ROLLER    1
#if LV_USE_ROLLER != 0
/*Focus animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_ROLLER_DEF_ANIM_TIME     200

/*Number of extra "pages" when the roller is infinite*/
#  define LV_ROLLER_INF_PAGES         7

/*Slider (dependencies: lv_bar)*/
#define LV_USE_SLIDER    1

/*Spinbox (dependencies: lv_ta)*/
#define LV_USE_SPINBOX       1

/*Switch (dependencies: lv_slider)*/
#define LV_USE_SW       1

/*Text area (dependencies: lv_label, lv_page)*/
#define LV_USE_TA       1
#if LV_USE_TA != 0
#  define LV_TA_DEF_CURSOR_BLINK_TIME 400     /*ms*/
#  define LV_TA_DEF_PWD_SHOW_TIME     1500    /*ms*/

/*Table (dependencies: lv_label)*/
#define LV_USE_TABLE    1
#  define LV_TABLE_COL_MAX    12

/*Tab (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btnm)*/
#define LV_USE_TABVIEW      1
#  if LV_USE_TABVIEW != 0
/*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/
#  define LV_TABVIEW_DEF_ANIM_TIME    300

/*Tileview (dependencies: lv_page) */
#define LV_USE_TILEVIEW     1
/*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/

/*Window (dependencies: lv_cont, lv_btn, lv_label, lv_img, lv_page)*/
#define LV_USE_WIN      1

 * Non-user section

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)    /* Disable warnings for Visual Studio*/

/*--END OF LV_CONF_H--*/

/*Be sure every define has a default value*/
#include "lvgl/src/lv_conf_checker.h"

#endif /*LV_CONF_H*/

#endif /*End of "Content enable"*/
1 Like

I see that LittlevGL is configured for 16bpp color. You should check your display driver and make sure it’s also using 16bpp color. If it is you can try enabling LV_COLOR_16_SWAP.

I checked it in display driver its 16bpp only.For image creation in c array i have used true color format in image convertor is it right for image projection on display as it is ?

And in c file of image i am getting the LV_COLOR_DEPTH condition for 1 or 8. but as we discussed i have set the LV_COLOR_DEPTH to 16 where am i doing the wrong steps.?

/Pixel format: Red: 3 bit, Green: 3 bit, Blue: 2 bit/

There are many conditions inside the C file. Scroll down and you’ll find the one for LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16.

Thanks for your reply , I checked it in display driver its 16bpp. In lv_conf.h file LV_COLOR_DEPTH = 16 i have set with LV_COLOR_16_SWAPenabled also. So please guide me why i am not getting the exact image color on the display as the image.png .Does it require to change the background color also for this or its not related to background color.

Regards ,

It shouldn’t be related to the background color; I think it has something to do with your display driver. I’d suggest only putting the image on the display, then printing out the color values in your flush_cb function and confirming the library is sending a red color to your display.

Hi, all those simple are good, but I don’t see any of this structure in v7, so I suppose they are for anterior version.
Is there a simple exemple how to set the background color with v7 ?

typedef struct {
    uint8_t * map;
    uint32_t sentinel;
} lv_style_t;

So lv_style_t.main doesn’t exist.

This seem to work but I don’t know if it’s all correct

static lv_style_t style_screen;
lv_style_set_bg_color(&style_screen, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_COLOR_WHITE);
lv_obj_add_style(lv_scr_act(), LV_OBJ_PART_MAIN, &style_screen);  //turn the screen white

That’s the correct way of doing it.

This is my driver code , Could you please suggest where should i put this color print to check the color value for 16bpp…


  • @file fbdev.c




#include “fbdev.h”

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/consio.h>
#include <sys/fbio.h>
#else /* USE_BSD_FBDEV /
#include <linux/fb.h>
#endif /



#ifndef FBDEV_PATH
#define FBDEV_PATH “/dev/fb0”







struct bsd_fb_var_info{
uint32_t xoffset;
uint32_t yoffset;
uint32_t xres;
uint32_t yres;
int bits_per_pixel;

struct bsd_fb_fix_info{
long int line_length;
long int smem_len;




    static struct bsd_fb_var_info vinfo;
    static struct bsd_fb_fix_info finfo;
    static struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
    static struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
    #endif /
    static char *fbp = 0;
    static long int screensize = 0;
    static int fbfd = 0;






void fbdev_init(void)
// Open the file for reading and writing
fbfd = open(FBDEV_PATH, O_RDWR);
if(fbfd == -1) {
perror(“Error: cannot open framebuffer device”);
printf(“The framebuffer device was opened successfully.\n”);

struct fbtype fb;
unsigned line_length;

//Get fb type
if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGTYPE, &fb) != 0) {

//Get screen width
if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIO_GETLINEWIDTH, &line_length) != 0) {

vinfo.xres = (unsigned) fb.fb_width;
vinfo.yres = (unsigned) fb.fb_height;
vinfo.bits_per_pixel = fb.fb_depth + 8;
vinfo.xoffset = 0;
vinfo.yoffset = 0;
finfo.line_length = line_length;
finfo.smem_len = finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres;

#else /* USE_BSD_FBDEV */

// Get fixed screen information
if(ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1) {
    perror("Error reading fixed information");

// Get variable screen information
if(ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
    perror("Error reading variable information");

#endif /* USE_BSD_FBDEV */

printf("%dx%d, %dbpp\n", vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, vinfo.bits_per_pixel);

// Figure out the size of the screen in bytes
screensize =  finfo.smem_len; //finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres;    

// Map the device to memory
fbp = (char *)mmap(0, screensize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fbfd, 0);
if((intptr_t)fbp == -1) {
    perror("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory");
memset(fbp, 0, screensize);

printf("The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully.\n");


void fbdev_exit(void)


  • Flush a buffer to the marked area

  • @param drv pointer to driver where this function belongs

  • @param area an area where to copy color_p

  • @param color_p an array of pixel to copy to the area part of the screen
    void fbdev_flush(lv_disp_drv_t * drv, const lv_area_t * area, lv_color_t * color_p)
    if(fbp == NULL ||
    area->x2 < 0 ||
    area->y2 < 0 ||
    area->x1 > (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 ||
    area->y1 > (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1) {

    /Truncate the area to the screen/
    int32_t act_x1 = area->x1 < 0 ? 0 : area->x1;
    int32_t act_y1 = area->y1 < 0 ? 0 : area->y1;
    int32_t act_x2 = area->x2 > (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 ? (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 : area->x2;
    int32_t act_y2 = area->y2 > (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1 ? (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1 : area->y2;

    lv_coord_t w = (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1);
    long int location = 0;
    long int byte_location = 0;
    unsigned char bit_location = 0;

    /32 or 24 bit per pixel/
    if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 32 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 24) {
    uint32_t * fbp32 = (uint32_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
    location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length / 4;
    memcpy(&fbp32[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1) * 4);
    color_p += w;
    /16 bit per pixel/
    else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16) {
    uint16_t * fbp16 = (uint16_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
    location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length / 2;
    memcpy(&fbp16[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1) * 2);
    color_p += w;
    /8 bit per pixel/
    else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 8) {
    uint8_t * fbp8 = (uint8_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
    location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length;
    memcpy(&fbp8[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1));
    color_p += w;
    /1 bit per pixel/
    else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 1) {
    uint8_t * fbp8 = (uint8_t )fbp;
    int32_t x;
    int32_t y;
    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
    for(x = act_x1; x <= act_x2; x++) {
    location = (x + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * vinfo.xres;
    byte_location = location / 8; /
    find the byte we need to change /
    bit_location = location % 8; /
    inside the byte found, find the bit we need to change */
    fbp8[byte_location] &= ~(((uint8_t)(1)) << bit_location);
    fbp8[byte_location] |= ((uint8_t)(color_p->full)) << bit_location;

         color_p += area->x2 - act_x2;

    } else {
    /Not supported bit per pixel/

    //May be some direct update command is required
    //ret = ioctl(state->fd, FBIO_UPDATE, (unsigned long)((uintptr_t)rect));


void my_set_px_cb(struct _disp_drv_t * disp_drv, uint8_t * buf, lv_coord_t buf_w, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa)
buf += buf_w/8 * y;
buf += x/8;
if(lv_color_brightness(color) > 128) {(*buf) |= (1 << (7 - x % 8));}
else {(*buf) &= ~(1 << (7 - x % 8));}

void my_rounder(struct _disp_drv_t * disp_drv, lv_area_t *a)
a->x1 = a->x1 & ~(0x7);
a->x2 = a->x2 | (0x7);

You should put it in fbdev_flush.

I have given some printf statement in this function
void fbdev_flush(lv_disp_drv_t * drv, const lv_area_t * area, lv_color_t * color_p)
if(fbp == NULL ||
area->x2 < 0 ||
area->y2 < 0 ||
area->x1 > (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 ||
area->y1 > (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1) {

/*Truncate the area to the screen*/
int32_t act_x1 = area->x1 < 0 ? 0 : area->x1;
int32_t act_y1 = area->y1 < 0 ? 0 : area->y1;
int32_t act_x2 = area->x2 > (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 ? (int32_t)vinfo.xres - 1 : area->x2;
int32_t act_y2 = area->y2 > (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1 ? (int32_t)vinfo.yres - 1 : area->y2;

lv_coord_t w = (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1);
long int location = 0;
long int byte_location = 0;
unsigned char bit_location = 0;

/*32 or 24 bit per pixel*/
if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 32 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 24) {
    uint32_t * fbp32 = (uint32_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
printf("color in 32/24bpp =%04X\n", color_p->full);
    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
        location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length / 4;
        memcpy(&fbp32[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1) * 4);
        color_p += w;
/*16 bit per pixel*/
else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16) {
    uint16_t * fbp16 = (uint16_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
printf("color in 16bpp =%04X\n", color_p->full);

    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
        location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length / 2;
        memcpy(&fbp16[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1) * 2);
        color_p += w;

/*8 bit per pixel*/
else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 8) {
    uint8_t * fbp8 = (uint8_t *)fbp;
    int32_t y;
printf("color in 8bpp =%04X\n", color_p->full);

    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
        location = (act_x1 + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length;
        memcpy(&fbp8[location], (uint32_t *)color_p, (act_x2 - act_x1 + 1));
        color_p += w;
/*1 bit per pixel*/
else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 1) {
    uint8_t * fbp8 = (uint8_t *)fbp;
    int32_t x;
    int32_t y;
printf("color in 1bpp =%04X\n", color_p->full);

    for(y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) {
        for(x = act_x1; x <= act_x2; x++) {
            location = (x + vinfo.xoffset) + (y + vinfo.yoffset) * vinfo.xres;
            byte_location = location / 8; /* find the byte we need to change */
            bit_location = location % 8; /* inside the byte found, find the bit we need to change */
            fbp8[byte_location] &= ~(((uint8_t)(1)) << bit_location);
            fbp8[byte_location] |= ((uint8_t)(color_p->full)) << bit_location;

        color_p += area->x2 - act_x2;
} else {
    /*Not supported bit per pixel*/

//May be some direct update command is required
//ret = ioctl(state->fd, FBIO_UPDATE, (unsigned long)((uintptr_t)rect));



After displaying image on lcd i am getting value of color on terminal like this “color in 16bpp=FFFF” .
So there anything wroung in the driver, how can i correct it if it is there .?

Please format your code like this:
